Thursday, April 30, 2009

had to pick up Mya from school early after a call from the nurse. Luckily no stitches, just some scrapes after a fall at recess...
is getting Ripple groomed today - I'm taking this picture to the groomer and telling them to cut just like this:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

is grilling chicken on the BBQ for dinner...
is working on Burger King's wifi while my oil is getting changed across the street...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

took some pics of the kids this morning before school

Mya & Michael - Warm Spring Morning

I just took these picture this morning of Mya & Mike before school. We are all glad for the nice warm weather....

is still amazed by this video

Monday, April 27, 2009

just watched this amazing footage of Danny MacAskill doing mountain bike tricks - seriously amazing

Danny MacAskill - AMAZING

This is some amazing footage of Danny MacAskill doing some incredible stunts on a mountain bike. Seriously...this is nuts.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

is on my way to RITAS!
is hoping the AC will be easy to fix. House is 90 degrees right now...sweating....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

house is 85 degrees and just found that the AC isn't working...ugh

the wild and wonderful whites of west virginia – the trailer

source: jackassworld

warning These webclips feature stunts performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. MTV and the producers must insist t… more

Friday, April 24, 2009

just got the mulch my back will soon be aching from


8 cubic yards of mulch I will soon be aching from

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Hilarious! Susan Boyle

This is great....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

is getting 8 cubic yards of mulch delivered tomorrow - it's gonna be an achin back weekend...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

is about to make some turkey burgers...mmmm
wants a solution for growing grass where dogs run and urinate... (other then not letting the dogs go there :) )

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mya and Michael

waiting for the school bus

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

bird watching

Omen was enthralled by a could of doves outside the kitchen window

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

just saw this trailer for Ghostbusters the video game - looks fun, but a few years late to the game

Ghostbusters the Video Game

This looks like a lot of fun. I'm surprised it took so long to come out. What's next, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

made this very cool social media news release

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Michael and the penguin

Posted via Pixelpipe.
just uploaded photos from Michael's birthday party yesterday

Saturday, April 11, 2009

is getting ready for Michael's birthday party...

Friday, April 10, 2009

any new Twitterers? Follow me -

Thursday, April 9, 2009

wants to know why my display settings keep moving from 1920x1200 to 800x600 randomly coming out of screen saver mode...

The Fresh Air Fund

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

is glad the wheels of justice are turning

The wheels of justice are creaking along...

This article was published in the Bucks County Courier Times yesterday regarding the trial of Dennis Schwendiman in connection with the GHB overdose death 5 years ago of my brother Stephen:

Man faces trial in date rape drug overdose

The Intelligencer

Dennis Schwendiman is accused of giving a 22-year-old man a drink of drug-laced Gatorade at a local fitness center.

A former coworker of Dennis Schwendiman's testified Monday that she asked for a drink of his Gatorade while at L.A. Fitness in Falls, but he refused.

Soon after, Pamela Wright said she watched Schwendiman give a gulp of the beverage to Stephen Krueger, 22, who died shortly afterward five years ago. Bucks County First Assistant District Attorney David Zellis and Falls police say the Gatorade was laced with a fatal dose of gamma hydroxybutyric acid, better known as GHB or "scoops.''

GHB is an illegal depressant and intoxicant, which frequently is seen by law enforcement in date rape cases. It's also abused at raves, all-night dance parties and by bodybuilders, prosecutors said. It's said to enhance a person's workout, according to testimony.

"Dennis asked Stephen if he wanted a sip and he said yes,'' Wright testified before Falls District Judge Jan Vislosky at Schwendiman's preliminary hearing. "Dennis said to Stephen, 'Try it, you'll like it.' "

Wright first told her story to a grand jury in October 2004, which was called on to help in the long investigation into Krueger's death. Schwendiman, 33, formerly of Middletown who now lives in Elmont, N.Y., moved several times during the probe. He surrendered in February when he learned he'd been charged with delivering the fatal dose of GHB at the gym on Oxford Valley Road and lying to the grand jury.

Kahlil A. Salazar, who was Schwendiman's supervisor at L.A. Fitness, also testified Monday.

"I heard Dennis talk about GHB or scoops," Salazar said. "I know it is a liquid you put in a drink and it gives you the effect of drinking. I have done it myself a few times at parties but did not approve of it at work and, at one point, I had to talk to him about it. I gave him a verbal warning there would be action taken if I saw him under the influence again. One time, Dennis came into the club and looked uneven. He looked pale and out of balance, not focused, but did not smell like alcohol. He went into the kids club to sleep it off.''

Falls Detective John Martin testified he was called to Frankford Hospitals Bucks County campus for a death investigation the morning of Feb. 24, 2004.

"I met with Dennis, and he told me he went to L.A. Fitness and met with Krueger. He talked about having a few drinks after a workout and they met with another employee. Dennis told me he saw Stephen and that his physical demeanor changed (since work). He said Stephen was holding a Gatorade and seemed wasted," Martin said.

Martin's investigation shows Schwendiman drove Krueger to Schwendiman's parents' house before taking him to the hospital. Martin said he later searched the house and found a bottle of Gatorade on the floor in an upstairs bedroom.

"Stephen Krueger had been in that room sleeping. I have the certificate of death and it shows that Krueger died from a GHB overdose," Martin said.

A drug scan of that bottle of Gatorade showed it contained GHB, Martin said.

Vislosky upheld all the charges against Schwendiman, who will face trial in county court in Doylestown. His formal arraignment is set for May 8 on charges of manufacturing a controlled substance with the intent to deliver the drug, perjury and false swearing. He remains free on $75,000 unsecured bail.

Zellis said after five years, Schwendiman finally stood before a judge. GHB cases are very hard to prosecute and the grand jury took time to build a case against him, he said.

Witnesses told the grand jury Schwendiman was a frequent GHB user, but that Krueger did not use the drug.

George Mattar can be reached at 215-949-4165 or

We miss you Stephen.

Monday, April 6, 2009

thinks this might be the funniest trailer I've ever seen


This might be the funniest trailer I've ever seen. If you loved Ali G & Borat - You will LOVE Bruno. This looks great.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

is coming back from fishing opening day of trout season...caught 3.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

gave Michael his 5th birthday present a little early so he could take it to the shore for Spring Break

Mike's New Bike

Michael's birthday present.

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is doing a project with a very cool online classifieds - bigger than craigslist

OLX Free Online Classifieds

This is a very cool FREE online classifieds site that is taking the world by storm...Check it out. The founder of OLX, Fabrice Grinda, is a very interesting dude:

and a social media news release we put together:
just listened to Metallica's "Master of Puppets"... Always reminds me of that great scene in Old School.