Sunday, June 28, 2009

just finished the 7th and final book in The Dark Tower saga...Sad to see it end, but highly recommend it.
is leaving the beach...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

just had ice cream with the fam at Aunt Betty's ice cream shack...peanut butter carmel cookie dough...mmmmm
is working from the shore for the rest of the week....

Monday, June 22, 2009

is still pissed with the Sirius iPhone app

Sirius iPhone App = FAIL

I cannot express how disappointed I am with the Sirius iPhone application. I've waited months for the realease of this application after Sirius and Apple killed the Nicemac app. I have been a Sirius customer for almost 3 years now and have been relatively happy with Sattelite radio as a whole. The only reason I got Sirius in the first place is because of Howard Stern. The app was release last Friday and guess what? No Howard Stern....Are you serious Sirius?? While the app itself is slick and workls nicely, the omission of Stern makes it almost worthless with free internet radio like Pandora and Slacker. Why would I pay for this when I can get a better selection for free? I pay because of the exclusive content of Howard. I called customer service this evening to voice my complaints and waited on hold for 36 minutes before I was able to speak with a supervisor. Unreal. I pay for 2 radios and internet radio and I am very close to cancelling. Without Howard or when he retires I will certainly cancel. This is exaclty what I told the supervisor who was sympathetic, but she blamed Apple completely for not having Stern on the app. She told me that Apple will not allow that type of content on their application. I'm not sure what to believe. I have been using Pocket Tunes for the past 3 months listening to Howard on the iphone and while the app is not as slick for Sirius as the Sirius iPhone app itself, it does the trick and you are able to listen to Sirius and Howard on it. I hope that someone at Sirius is smart enough to resolve this issue. This app could have boosted Sirius's stocks and saved a business that is being eaten by free internet radio. But instead the app is getting terrible reviews from users who are pissed that Howard isn't on it.

is loving Weeds
looking at getting the Nintendo DS lite or the DSi for Mya's 7th birthday - thoughts on the two?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

is still tired from the bachelor party last night, but going out to dinner with the fam b4 my drive home from OCNJ

Saturday, June 20, 2009

is about to hop on the Cape May/Lewes Ferry

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

finally got the Sirius app for the iPhone but was stunned to find that the Howard Stern channels aren't included - guess I'll stick with Pocket Tunes

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

is stoked that AT&T is relenting on their existing customer iPhone prices for the 3GS - now if they would only catch up with service
is dowloading and installing the iPhone OS 3.0....let's hope it installs smoothly

St. Croix

These are the photos from our St. Croix vacation for Genevieve and Josh's wedding. We went to The Buccaneer and had a blast:

just posted the photos from our trip to St. Croix -

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

is having our last lunch in St. Croix before we fly home...sigh....

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Buccaneer

Photo taken from the top of the golf course. St. Croix

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Buccaneer

The resort in St. Croix

The Buccaneer

Resort in St. Croix

The Buccaneer

Resort in St. Croix

Nice view

Friday, June 12, 2009

St. Croix

View from the room in St. Croix

Mya looking out window

The first look at the water on St. Croix

Puddle Jumper

Waiting to board the small plane from San Juan to St. Croix

waiting in San Juan for connecting flight...


Mya and Michael meet the captain...I told him to drive carefully.

is waiting to take off...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

just printed out our boarding passes for St. Croix for tomorrow mornings early flight...yee haw!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

is wondering if we should have Chinese food for dinner...yes!
leaves for St. Croix Friday morning...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

- Michael tends to talk to his neighbors and does not always work to his full potential...hmmm - this sounds awfully familiar ;)
is on the way to Michael's pre-K graduation...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

just shattered my car window when a rock shot from the lawn mower...ugh

Manderick Park

Michael on the slide.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

is taking the kids to see "Up" in 3D Imax today...

Friday, June 5, 2009

wife away for girls weekend...daughter at friends for the night...Michael almost ready for games and beer for Daddy soon
is going out to lunch with Evans and Marrish

Thursday, June 4, 2009

is helping to produce a LIVE twitter event for The Fresh Air Fund @freshairfund

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

is watching "The Wrestler"
posted a couple of pics of the kids wearing tie-dyes from Gretchen's undefeated LAX team -

Mya & Michael

Here are some pics of the kids wearing tie-dyes that were made for Gretchen's undefeated Lacrosse team:



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Times Square

Times Square

Chris Abraham in Times Square

Times Square

Times Square

is back at Starbucks on 7th Ave and West 35th for the next 2 hours...
at Starbucks on 7th Ave and West 35th for the next hour...
is riding the train from Trenton to NYC...

Monday, June 1, 2009

just made some amazing grilled shrimp skewers with a spicy rasberry chipolte sauce.