I've been anxiously waiting for these days that are warm enough to plant my vegetable garden and they are finally here. Over the past few years, my tomatoes haven't been doing as well in my big garden, so I decided to dig a new garden specifically for tomatoes. I used all of the sod from the the 8x4' area to patch some bare spots on our lawn in the front and it seems to be taking very well. The new garden has 8 tomato plants in a variety from husky red to big boy to a German type. I love tomatoes and I'm looking forward to harvesting already.
My big garden (8x16') has a ton of different veggies and room to grow. I put a grid down using string to section out the individual areas. I saw it done on a gardening website and thought it looked pretty cool - it seems to be working well. The garden has spinach, two different kinds of lettuce, green beans, snap peas, cucumbers, eggplant, green peppers, red peppers, jalapeƱos, habaƱeros, Thai red peppers, cilantro, parsley, dill, chives, and rosemary. I still have about 8 squares left and will be looking out for other veggies to plant over the next week or so. Bring on the hot weather!