Friday, April 19, 2013

CMC - Civilian Military Combine

Below is a very cool little promo video from the Civilian Military Combine event on the Intrepid from 2 weeks ago. I got a nice little cameo on the monkey bars and ended up being the thumbnail.

The event was very cool and my incredible wife Gretchen killed it with a 2nd place finish. We are doing the next one in the Poconos on May 18th at Camelback Mountain - the "Tri-State Mountain Assault." Should be an incredible race - 7 minute AMRAP with push presses, burpee box jumps and kettle bell swings  followed by a 5+ mile obstacle race. The Intrepid race was pretty short at under a mile, but it was stuffed with obstacles.

We are both looking forward to the Mountainous race. If you want to run with us, use this link and this discount code: PA100110
